Bronze Squad Criteria

  • This criteria is set as a guideline and may not be exhaustive.

  • Indications of ability are technical ability (i.e. stroke technique).

  • Any ages mentioned within the squad descriptions are guidelines and will vary from swimmer to swimmer.

  • Entry into, and movement out of, each squad is based on a set of criteria maintained by the coaches. This is continually subject to review and for the latest criteria contact the head coach.

  • All criteria are subject to the Head Coaches discretion.

To come into this group swimmers will normally have been/be:

  • Identified by the squad coach and head coach as requiring more opportunity to swim over longer distance and begin aerobic fitness training as well as to hone their skills and has the ability to cope with the training demands of the squad.
  • An understanding and willingness to comply with the multi-stroke and skill based ethos of the sport.
  • Has a basic understanding of the technical demand of the strokes and can swim all four strokes.
  • Has excellent body position and kick in all four strokes in accordance with the governing body rules and can hold this position over a distance of 50m.
  • Has attained a 25 and/or 50m distance time for all 4 strokes (depending on age group).
  • Swim a minimum of 50m of front crawl demonstrating a push and glide start from wall and/or from a dive with correct and efficient transition to stroke.Competent technique with bilateral breathing and good reach and pull arm action with efficient kick.
  • Swim a minimum of 50m backstroke demonstrating a push and glide start from wall to a streamline position underwater and be able to progress to stroke with one straight arm above head and the other at the side to begin good bilateral and continuous arm action.Competent technique should be shown with a steady head position and rolling of shoulders round the long axis.
  • Swim a minimum of 50m breaststroke demonstrating a good push and glide from wall or dive start, good technique with understanding of timing of stroke.
  • Swim a minimum of 15m butterfly demonstrating a good push and glide from wall or dive start and show good stroke technique and undulation.
  • Is able to carry out a dive start from starting blocks.
  • Has a basic understanding of how to carry out a racing tumble turn on front.
  • Is ready to be introduced to the Individual Medley event.
  • Has taken part in invited gala’s (particularly team events such as FVJL) or has shown willingness to take part.
  • 75% Attendance at swimming sessions over a monthly period.
  • The ability to understand how to observe lane rules and is self-guided when completing sets.
  • Well behaved and remain respectful of the coaching staff at all times.
  • Is able to rotate on both horizontal and vertical axis in order to perform adequate race turns.
  • Well behaved and remain respectful of the coaching staff at all times.

    Bronze Squad swimmers will continue to develop their technical stroke, turns and diving ability and work over increasing distances and be introduced to the idea of working through a training set.   This will involve teaching a basic understanding of the timing clock.

    The swimmers are expected to attend ‘Forth Valley Junior League’  as well as being introduced to competition out with these and will compete over a 50m distance within their age group (as a guideline this would normally be at least 8 years old).